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Vol 2 is all done~!

Woohoo, I've finished all of Vol 2 Ch 4, which brings us to the end of volume 2! *applause*

As you will see, I've tried to put names of speakers next to their lines in this latest chapter, but I'm not sure if I'll keep this format. It takes some time to go and italicize all their names, so meh. But on the other hand, it helps with comprehension. But is comprehension that difficult without the names? I'll think about it. Not gonna make a poll though. Saying up front, I don't like making polls.

As for when I've mentioned last time, I have indeed decided to convert all my releases for this series to the LN version. I have placed orders for all of the books, and am eagerly awaiting their arrival in my mailbox. After that, I will go over all previous releases and add/subtract/alter all parts that differ from the LN.

There was also one last decision that I had been talking about: moving to Wordpress. I think I will be taking the next one or two weeks (while waiting for the LNs) to decide this, and perhaps muck around some on Wordpress. Main reason why I want to do it is because I want to talk to you guys a bit, and Disqus is way more anonymous and thus friendlier than FB. I understand this because I also only comment via Disqus. But I dread having to re-italicize everything ...... but I'll see.

Anyways, this is the end of what I have to say. What a long post, so unlike me haha. Without further ado, here is the chapter online, and here is the download.

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