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OBC Vol 1 Ch 0 is done!

Hi guys, if you're here for Outbreak Company and its your first time to my site, welcome! So, just a few things I want to say before you read the release (it'll be short, cus who ever reads the TN notes anyways).

1) Whenever I release on this site, I also provide an A5-sized PDF file that you can download. You can choose to read it online here or to download for when you don't have internet access. Both versions are the exact same.

2) Feel free to point out any grammatical mistakes you see. I do all the translating and editing myself, so I might have missed something. But no guarantees that I'll make the changes you recommend, as sometimes it's just a difference in expression.

3) Please do comment lots and lots, seeing the comments makes me feel like my work is being seen and loved :D

Thus, without further ado, here's the unveiling! Prologue chapter of Outbreak Company (I abbreviate it to OBC), where the main character doesn't actually appear! Here's the page, and here's the download.


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