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OBC Vol 1 Ch 2 is all done!

Here's the last part of Ch.2! Slightly later than my usual release schedule, cus I was getting back into TW: Shogun 2 for a bit to get myself geared up for TW: Warhammer. And Warhammer is out!!!!! (I would dance, if I only knew how to lol.)

Here is where you can just read it, and here is where you can download it.

As for Ch.3, yes, it's all completed, but I'm going to have to go back and touch it up a bit, after I made some decisions about how to translate certain things while doing Ch.2. All 3 parts of Ch.3 will be released in short order. I've decided to not do the "I'll save some releases in stock and only release them regularly" thing because 1) more chapters = more happiness and 2) I don't claim to be adhering to any release schedule of any sort. So, just saying, the first part of Ch.4 might be a bit later in coming. Cus I have greenskins and undead to crush.

Jaa ne~

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