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I'm back! Time for a status update.

First thing to say: I'm very, very sorry.

I felt like gaming for a while, then found all these shows to catch up on, then discovered cool series to read on Novelupdates, then found all the originals on Syosetu and caught up to the raws. Ascendance of a Bookworm is like, 600+ chapters in, that took me like a month to get through.

Basically, I totally flaked out on you guys. I do keep saying that I'm just doing this for fun, but I know I owed you guys at least a heads up, which I didn't give. And I even dropped out in the middle of the battle! I'm really sorry, I know I'm an ass.

But with that said, I'm now back! After reading so much, my translator spirit has been completely revived, and I'm totally back in the game. To demonstrate this, I've translated the rest of Volume 2! Have fun with that :D

However, what I want to do now is go back and re-edit all of the previous chapters. As you guys will notice when you start reading Chapter 49, I've gone and renamed a few things. For example, I no longer use 'anki,' but properly type out 'Shadow Demon,' because otherwise the connection with the various demon names and the Demonists don't make sense. Another example is that I call Heldol and Braus 'guildmaster's now, instead of 'head' or 'chief' or whatever. Other proper nouns haven't been altered, so no worries in that department.

So basically, what I mean is, it'll be a while till the next update, but I'm working on it, for sure. It will come when it does, so I can't give any estimate.

One last thing to say. I'm officially dropping Outbreak Company. I'm sorry, but I simply don't have the time nor the disposition to handle two series at the same time. I'm very much a "one thing at a time" person, for better or for worse. So anyone who wishes to pick it up has my blessing, there's no need to ask me separately.

And that's it! Thank you for caring, if you read through all that :P Here are the long-awaited releases!

Ch 49: Read | Download

Ch 50: Read | Download

Ch 51: Read | Download

Ch 52: Read | Download

Ch 53: Read | Download

Ch 54: Read | Download

Ch 55: Read | Download

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